Enabling agribusinesses in emerging economies to professionalise and become financially sustainable /
Agribusinesses play a crucial role in producing and distributing food in rural economies. The agricultural sector as a whole is, however, still underdeveloped due to a lack of core professional capacities and resources to run agribusinesses (i.e. farmer organisations, cooperatives, unions, agri-SMEs) as a business. SCOPE-insight developed a market-led and data-driven standard to assess and advance agribusinesses’ professionalism and create the conditions for them to get access to resources and market opportunities. Proprietary tools and methodologies based on best practices are used to measure and increase professionalism. The assembled data leads to unprecedented business intelligence enabling agricultural stakeholders – such as donor organisations, financial institutions, and corporates – to reduce value chain and financial risks, make informed decisions and hence increase their effectiveness and incomes. Linking the progress of agribusinesses to the vested interests of other agricultural stakeholders inherently creates sustainable benefits for the whole value chain. So far, SCOPEinsight has reached 9.3 million farmers through 4,000+ assessments of agribusinesses. The social enterprise is now building further upon a strong foundation of proven tools, systems, data and networks and successfully raised growth capital in Q2 2021 with support from FASE to accelerate its work in Africa, Asia, and LatAm.