We are active across Europe and happy to hear from you!

Please get in touch or use our contact form below

FASE main office

Leopoldstrasse 9
D-80802 Munich

Phone: +49 – 89 / 2422-6187
Fax:      +49- 3212/ 1402 672

email: info (at) fa-se.de

For the Benelux region

If you are located in the Benelux region, please feel free to directly contact Simone Pourier, email: spourier (at) fa-se.eu

For the CEE region

Headquartered in the CEE countries? Please get in touch with Zsolt Pethe, email: zpethe (at) fa-se.eu

For Austria

For our Austrian community, Alexandra Nitzlader will be pleased to speak with you: email anitzlader (at) fa-se.eu

Are you an impact venture and interested to collaborate with us on your next financing round? Then kindly fill out our questionnaire first – thank you!

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