
Better compatibility of work and family through childcare facilities for SME / The sira munich [...]


The energy revolution is in full swing and renewables are still on the rise. More [...]


bettervest is a crowd-funding platform for small investors that want to help companies to become [...]

Schmökerkisten (new:

The Schmökerkisten (new: addresses one of the most pressing problems in the German education [...]

ROCK YOUR COMPANY! (1st round)

ROCK YOUR LIFE! gGmbH has developed a highly efficient, one-on-one, pro-bono mentoring program for socially [...]

Schule Plus

Robert Greve has created a unique social online network that connects schools with external partners, [...]

DisAbility Performance (new: myAbility)

Gregor Demblin started Career Moves with the goal of creating an inclusive Austrian job market. [...]

von Unruh & Team (new: Team U)

Attila von Unruh established self-help groups for people in bankruptcy. Based on this, he built [...]

Discovering Hands

Ashoka Fellow Frank Hoffmann pioneered a diagnostically superior breast examination method by training blind women [...]


Ashoka Fellow Heinz Frey created DORV centers which become a one-stop-shop for citizens. These centers [...]