Financing education opportunities to enable a fair and self-determined development for young students /
CHANCEN eG strives to create equal, fair and self-determined opportunities for young students to access education and professional development. The German social enterprise offers a well-established financing model called “reverse generation agreement” (German: „Umgekehrter Generationenvertrag“) to cover private education costs. The model builds on an income-based, delayed repayment of university tuition or education expenses and has been successfully implemented for more than 25 years at the University of Witten/Herdecke with the “StudierendenGesellschaft (SG)”. CHANCEN eG was founded in 2016 by two former executives of the SG in order to offer the next level of the reverse generation agreement to other universities and educational institutions. Since its inception, the enterprise has been able to win 41 universities with around 100 different study courses and financed 1,100 students to date. After having attracted more than EUR 25 Mn in capital over the past few years, CHANCEN eG has successfully raised additional financing with support from FASE in early 2023.