Financing of fair educational opportunities and self-development for young people /
CHANCEN eG supports equal opportunities for young people and empowers them to get access to education and shape their professional careers. The established financing model called “reverse generation agreement” (“Umgekehrter Generationen-Vertrag“ (UGV)) covers educational expenses in the form of delayed, income-related financing of university tuition. The model has been successfully implemented for 20 years now and was first introduced by the “StudierendenGesellschaft (SG)” at the German University Witten/Herdecke. CHANCEN eG was founded in 2016 by two former managers of the SG to bring the model to other universities and educational facilities. Currently, the social enterprise’s model has been deployed at 8 universities with 50 different courses and 106 students. To expand its reach, CHANCEN eG has raised growth capital with support from FASE.