Gregor Demblin started Career Moves with the goal of creating an inclusive Austrian job market. His new venture, disAbility performance Austria (today: myAbility), is the link between commerce and people with disability. The entrepreneurial and social goal is to help companies identify the potential in disabled people. The consulting task of disAbility performance Austria is to show companies how the economic strength of disadvantaged people could be fully unleashed to gain more employees or consumers.
Social Impact: In Austria around 15% of the population is disabled and although they are capable and willing to work, only 40% are employed (compared to 70% of the total population). disAbility performance Austria is the first intermediary between companies and disabled people with the aim to identify and use new potential. With the help of renowned business consultancies, a tool was developed that measures the disAbility performance of all areas within a company (staff, products, services, supply, IT).
Financing: disAbility performance Austria’s growth plan is based on three streams of income which were fueled by growth capital raised with the support from FASE. In the meantime, the social enterprise raised a second round, again with FASE’s transaction support services.
The case study (only in German):
Case study disAbility performance 2015