Gründer 50 Plus

Ralf Sange is pioneering the movement of supporting people over age 50 to become entrepreneurs with economically sustainable models and is activating their creative potential for solving social problems. In doing so, he targets the root of both, concrete age discrimination against older entrepreneurs and the general view that citizens in their “Third Age” have little to contribute to society.

Social Impact: With his non-profit organization “Gründer50Plus” (“Founder50Plus”) Ralf Sange builds the field for founders and entrepreneurs age 50 and above in Germany. He supports the growing number of men and women in their second half of life that are keen to start their own businesses, either due to a lack of job opportunities and financial difficulties or because they have a long-standing business idea that they would like to bring to fruition in order to make a contribution to society.

Financing:  The financing to set up the social franchise model was successfully secured with the help of FASE.

The case study:

Case study Gründer 50plus 2015