
Digital tools for integration of migrants into work and society /

JobKraftwerk offers three complementary digital solutions to ease and accelerate the regional integration of refugees and migrants. The initiator of this platform is the German social enterprise LQ Enterprise GmbH based in Berlin. The JobKraftwerk solution comprises several activities to improve integration in the job market: (I) analysis and profile of the target group’s competencies and strengths, (II) individual integration planning with binding goals, (III) job matching with regional corporates and enterprises, (IV) digital links to the relevant processes of regional authorities, and (V) access to data for local municipalities. Thus, the JobKraftwerk platform is situated at the intersection of regional authorities, employment agencies, job centers and corporates. By receiving a software-as-a-Service (Saas) solution, these stakeholders are enabled to integrate refugees regionally. Now the social enterprise is seeking growth capital to further develop the platform and achieve stronger market penetration in Germany.